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The Thrilling Adventures of Farm Life: Riding Buffaloes and Cows

The Thrilling Adventures of Farm Life: Riding Buffaloes and Cows

Have you ever experienced the exhilaration of riding a buffalo or a cow? In this throwback photo, I proudly reminisce about my adventures with these magnificent creatures during childhood. Surprisingly, riding both the carabao (kalabaw) and the cow (baka) brought me joy and excitement despite the occasional falls that accompanied the experience. In this article, we delve into the distinct characteristics of these animals and explore the thrills of riding them.

1. The Mighty Carabao:

The carabao, colloquially known as “kalabaw,” is a gentle and stoic domestic water buffalo native to the Philippines. Renowned for its role in Philippine farming, this sturdy bovine is a national treasure. Riding a carabao offers a unique tranquility as it ambles calmly through the countryside. However, it is essential to exercise caution, as carabao races or sudden scuffles among these powerful creatures can make for an unexpected adventure.

2. The Spirited Cow:

In Philippine dialects, the cow is called “baka,” serving as livestock for various purposes such as meat, milk, and hides. Growing up in a province abundant with cattle, I had the opportunity to interact closely with these spirited beasts. Riding a cow is an exhilarating experience, as they exhibit speed, agility, and an undeniable vibrancy. While falling off a cow may be more common, the impact is often cushioned by the animal’s broad back, sparing significant injuries.

3. Childhood Farming Adventures:

As a child, my eagerness to participate in farming activities led me astray from my mother’s protective embrace. Despite her reservations, I joined my father on the farm, assisting with planting, composting, plowing, and harvesting tasks. These experiences nurtured my connection with nature and deepened my appreciation for the hard work required to sustain a farming lifestyle. However, my skin’s sensitivity prevented me from engaging in prolonged farm work, impacting my time in the fields.

4. A Mother’s Love and Concern:

One fateful day, my eager participation in composting corn plants proved to be physically taxing, leaving my skin reddish and irritated. My mother, angered by my father’s disregard for my well-being, reprimanded him in fear of potential health complications. However, my father’s response revealed that I had insisted on accompanying him, riding on other carabaos. This incident highlighted my mother’s unwavering love and genuine concern, deepening my appreciation for her protection and care.

5. Embracing the Adventure:

Reflecting on my experiences, I contend that both carabaos and cows offer an exhilarating riding experience. Riding a carabao is characterized by a serene and leisurely pace, encapsulating the calmness of nature. On the other hand, riding a cow brings forth a sense of thrill and energy as they dash through the fields with remarkable agility. The rough back of a carabao contrasts with the smooth surface of a cow, enhancing the unique sensations of each ride. Ultimately, the choice between these incredible animals boils down to personal preference and the training they have received.

My childhood adventures with carabaos and cows fueled my passion for nature and instilled a deep connection to farming life. The unpredictable falls and treasured memories shaped my understanding of both these animals’ distinct characteristics and the joys they brought. Whether riding a carabao or a cow, each experience offered its blend of tranquility and excitement. Cherishing my mother’s love and care, I recognize that these thrilling rides were a testament to my resilience and the bonds forged between man and beast.


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The Thrilling Adventures of Farm Life: Riding Buffaloes and Cows

Earlier this year we gave ourselves a challenge: to packaging coffee and create something that we could share with our clients and friends – and so, Wishbone Brew was born.
the traditional approach to packaging coffee and create something.

December 30, 2014 0