Navigating Peril: Tales of Survival in the Face of Danger
In the hustle and bustle of the Philippines, amidst the allure of the latest mobile gadgets, I found myself entangled in a series of life-threatening encounters, each serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the resilience of the human spirit.
Scene 1. Escape from the Shadows:
As a young student preparing for my board examinations, I found myself at the mercy of two assailants, their intentions as sharp as the knife pointed at me. Through sheer instinct and a stroke of luck, I managed to evade their grasp, fleeing into the night with my life intact.
The UNIT was SAVED without getting hurt!
When I was reviewing for my board examination in my nineteenth year, I bought my first mobile phone. During that time, my country had an early outbreak of mobile brands.
Since most of my roommates had their branded cell phones, I was prompted to buy one. While waiting for a cab on my way home, one guy bought a piece of candy near where I stood, and another guy bought one stick of cigar and stood beside me as well. Now, these two guys sandwiched me.
Suddenly, in just a couple of seconds, one guy abruptly threatened me with his knife pointed at my right side while the other guy held my shoulder too tightly while mumbling in my left ear, “Give me your cell phone so that you won’t get hurt.” I was shocked and forcefully unfasten my body away from them and ran away.
Though they tried to catch me, thanks to God, they failed.
[Location scene: If I remember right, the landmarks were Near National Bookstore/McDonald, Sideroad parking of Balic-balic Jeepneys at Recto; Time scene: around 8 PM]
Scene 2. A Battle for Ownership:
Amid my daily routine, I was thrust into a violent struggle to reclaim what was rightfully mine. Despite sustaining injuries, I refused to relinquish my possessions, a testament to my unwavering determination in adversity.
The UNIT was RETRIEVED with bloody ends!
This time, I had already been working when this scene happened. I was so heedless of my surroundings when suddenly a middle-aged man grabbed my cell phone and tried to flee out of sight, so I ran after him and fought back, but when I apprehended him, he had the chance to stab me in my head.
Though I felt that my blood was fluxing rapidly from the rear left-ear side of my head, I never stopped defending myself until I had grabbed my unit back into my possession. Then, I ran for rescue because my blood continually flowed out from my head. Thanks to the volunteer taxi cab who sent me to the nearby hospital.
Sadly, when I arrived at the hospital, I felt so helpless and so weak. Thus, I wasn’t able to thank the taxi cab driver.
[Location scene: On the Overpass near the Quiapo Church; Time scene: around 9 PM]
Scene 3. Leap of Faith:
A journey home turned perilous as I stared down the barrel of a gun. With split-second decision-making, I chose to leap into the unknown, narrowly escaping the clutches of danger once more.
The “UNIT” was SAVED from being like a stuntman!
Just a week later, after scenario two had happened and my wounds were still fresh from stitches, my cousin and I visited our relatives somewhere in Antipolo City. On our way home to Makati, we rode an FXcab. My cousin sat in front beside the driver while I sat in the middle rear seats with two lady passengers.
On the road, the FXcab stopped, and two passenger men rode in and sat on the left and right rear seats. Just a mile away, I felt a hard object pointed at my head. As I looked back, I saw a gun grasped by a mumbling so that other passengers, including my cousin, wouldn’t notice it. This guy threatened me to give my mobile unit. Without further ado, I stood up, immediately opened the door, and jumped over the FX. I have been rolled on the rough concrete surface road. Thanks to God again because I didn’t jump over the busy lane of the expressway.
However, I was not safe yet. As I stood up with a wounded and bloody face and broken lips while holding my rotted-out teeth, the two men were still in front of me, pointing the gun again at me while still insisting and grabbing my bag. Since I was already wounded, I never gave in to their demands; instead, I ran away over the other side of the road.
Again, my UNIT was saved. [Please note that my cousin was left on the FX. Later, he told me that the FX driver did not allow him to get off when he noticed that I jumped out of the FX.]
[Location scene: Marcos Highway going from Antipolo to Cubao; Time scene: around 10 PM]
Scene 4. Betrayal in Broad Daylight:
Trust proved to be a fleeting luxury as I fell victim to the schemes of opportunistic thieves. Despite my efforts to seek justice, the road to restitution proved fraught with obstacles, leaving me grappling with the harsh realities of deception.
The “UNIT” was taken away WITHOUT SEEING it!
With the above-preceding scenes, I have decided to be assigned to one of our provincial projects and to get rid of those phobias of living in the City. I came back home with a fresh mind and almost healed wounds. I was unaware that the owner of the apartment with whom I am renting my unit accepted a new occupant beside mine.
It was an early Thursday morning while I was preparing for my office. When I was having my bath, my two mobile units were stolen by this new occupant. I called the attention of the irresponsible owner, and I advised them to search and investigate the unit of this new occupant. We discovered that the things left were just a bulk bag containing old newspapers, plastics, and a pillow. Even though we reported this case to the police, securing leads has been difficult because the owner didn’t even know the occupant’s name. The owner told me that the new occupant has presented them a three-months post-dated check as advance payment rent that’s why they just accepted this new occupant without further having a simple background check.
The scheme of this operation was being led by a “Budol-budol” gang/syndicate if not a “Collaboration Techniques with the Owner”. My parents told me that it was very fortunate that I was not inside my room; otherwise, If I have had fought again with them, I might die because this kind of person is ready to kill for money’s sake.
[Location scene: M. Reyes Street, Makati; Time scene: around 7:30 AM]
Scene 5. A Comedy of Errors:
In a moment of absurdity, I was bargaining for my safety with nothing but wit and quick thinking. Through humor and resourcefulness, I outwitted my would-be assailants, emerging unscathed once again.
The “unit” was SAVED so funny!
It was once my vacation from abroad when I visited my brother who lives in Quiapo. I took a jeepney and sat beside the driver. I was reading a newspaper when a sudden sharp object pointed at my neck. Looking at my back, I saw two men wearing yellow T-shirts [seemingly uniformed hold-upper]. I was no longer threatened since I was already used to this incident. I handled it calmly, though I was bothered because I held the other cellphone with all my contact lists. I was not worried about the unit itself, but I was worried about losing my phone directories. So, I negotiated (sound-funny, right!). I asked, “Is it ok if I give you another mobile unit in my other pocket, which is better and of the latest model?” Then, the holdupper replied exasperatedly, “Ok, bring it out now!”
However, when I was bringing my unit out of my pocket, he transferred his knife from his right hand to his left hand while holding my shirt’s collar to take my cell phone using his right hand. I realized how that man could stab me if he was holding both the knife and my collar in his left hand. So, I used the same tactics. While pulling out my cell phone from my pocket, I got to jump out of the jeepney since the jeep was running so slowly while heading to the Quiapo bridge.
Again, the two holduppers failed with nothing taken from me.
[Location scene: Jones Bridge in Quiapo; Time Scene: 6:00 AM]
Though these harrowing ordeals serve as a sobering reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, they also underscore the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of cherishing each precious moment. In the face of adversity, our courage and determination ultimately guide us to safety, a testament to the enduring power of human will.

Real Life Self-Defense